wtorek, 1 października 2013

VOLUNTEER FOR SUCCESS Action 1.1 21-28.10 Zwierzyn,Poland

Youth Exchange „Volunteer for success” will be a tremendous opportunity to dwelve into the world of volunteer services. Our project will take place in Zwierzyn Podkarpackie region and is scheduled to last from 21.10 to 28.10 2013. The target group of our project is youth aged 17 - 19 with participants from the following countries: Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Poland. Considering current economic hurdles, translating into very high youth unemployment, we have unanimously decided, that youth exchange
focused on volunteer services is relevant and will meet the needs of its participants.The primary goal of our project is a promotion of volunteer services as a great tool to increase one’s skills, gain experience, network as well as learn new cultures and meet interesting people, and thus counteract chronic youth unemployment.

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